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Record Retention Schedules

Records Retention.

Personnel and Applicant Files - Faculty Positions - Hired and Not Hired

Arranged By:   Alphabetical
Application Number:   89-27
Item Number:   700.07


This record series consists of individual files which concern faculty applicants who have been hired, and not hired, for positions within the department.  The documents are used to monitor faculty instruction, process formal applications, and provide data for faculty promotions or demotions. Contents in the records series for hired employees include resumes, annual report of activities, annual service reports, tenure information, ratings, appeals of evaluations, and correspondence.  Files of applicants not hired consists of resumes, applications, and corre-spondence. The originals are maintained by the Provost Office.


A)For documents of unhired applicants, retain five (5) years, then dispose of providing no litigation is pending or anticipated. B)For documents of hired applicants, retain in office for five (5) years following termination of employment, then dispose of providing all audits have been completed under the supervision of the Auditor General, if necessary, and no litigation is pending or anticipated.


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